Tuesday, March 29, 2011

French Lesson Episode #3: Articles Indefini et Defini; Learn New French Words; Find French Exercises

The following is an excerpt from "Free French Lesson MP3 for English Speakers: La Baguette French Lesson Textbook and Podcast"

The following is only a sample, a preview of the upcoming textbook, ""Free French MP3 for English Speakers: La Baguette French Lesson - Le Francais en Amerique,"

Pre-order your copy so you can learn with us at http://frenchlessonpodcast.libsyn.com



In this episode, you are going to learn the definite and indefinite articles.

L'article défini (Le, La, L', Les). Learn when to use and which one to place before masculine and feminine nouns.

Download the new episode right here from FrenchLessonPodcast.libsyn.com

L'article indéfini (Un, Une, Des): Find out which one to place in front of masculine or feminine nouns. When do we use "de" instead "des"?

In this episode, you will also learn how to count from zero to 100 in French.

This episode contains two free lessons.

If you want to pre-order the textbook, "Free French MP3 for English Speakers: La Baguette French Lesson - Le Francais en Amerique," go ahead and order your copy below.


"French for English and Haitian Creole Speakers !
La Baguette French Lesson Textbook and Podcast:
Le Français en Amérique
Free French Words and MP3 Lesson Plans; Free French MP3 Online;

L’article Défini : (Le, La, L’, Les)
The definite article precedes the nouns indicating particular persons, places or things. It also precedes nouns used abstractly or in a general sense.
Par example: le chat est sur la chaise – the cat is on the chair. L’ordinateur est sur le lit – the computer is on the bed. Les livres sont dans le sac à dos – the books are in the backpack.
1. Le: Use le before a masculine singular noun that begins with a consonant
Par exemple: Le cahier – the notebook; le chien – the dog; le chat – the cat
2. La: Use la before a feminine singular noun or adjective beginning with a consonant
Par exemple: La chaise – the chair; la machine à écrire ; la fille – the girl, daughter ; la belle femme – the beautiful woman
3. L’ : Use l’ before a masculine or feminine singular noun or adjective beginning with a vowel sound or a silent h
Par exemple: l’homme – the man; l’habit – the clothes; l’autre avion – the other airplane
4. Les: Use les before all plural nouns or adjectives
Par exemple: les hommes, les nouveaux livres ; les oiseaux, les disques, les feuilles de papier ; les fenêtres ; les ordinateurs
Notes : Always place the definite article even before abstract nouns in French :
Par Exemple: L’espagnol est facile – Spanish is easy. Le français est plus difficile que l’italien – French is more difficult than Italian. Le ciel est bleu - the sky is blue

Revision de l’article Indéfini : Un, une, des
Un : In French, the indefinite article, un is masculine and matches the gender of the noun it precedes
Par Exemple: Un homme – a man; un garçon – a boy ; un livre – a book ; un cahier – a notebook, un stylo – a pen
Une : Une is feminine.
Par exmple : Une femme – a woman ; une chaise – a chair
Des : is the plural form of the indefinite article in French. It is used for both masculine and feminine nouns which it precedes. Unlike in English, Des can not be omitted as in I like apples; She ate apples. We have to say J’aime des pommes. Elle a mange des pommes
Par exemple: Des savons – some soaps; Des crayons – some pencils

Exercices, Exercices, Exercices, Exercices, Exercices, Exercices : Répétez ces mots premièrement. Mettez un ou une devant chague mot. Puis, répétez cet exercice au pluriel.
1. -------- Lampe
2. --------- occasion
3. ---------- bureau
4. ----------- fenêtre
5. ---------- journal
6. ------------- porte
7. ---------- parade
8. ------------ animal
9. -------------- Chose
10. ------------- chaise
11. ------------- siège
12. ----------- rideau
13. ----------- frère
14. ----------- Sœur
15. --------- oncle
16. ---------- tante

Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Répondez avec:
C’est un/une….
Ce sont des / Ce sont de….
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
C’est un livre – this is a book
Ce sont des journaux – These are newspapers
C’est une chaise – It is a chair
Ce sont de nouvelles chaises – These are new chairs
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
C’est une lampe – This is a lamp

Numbers – Les Nombres

1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 neuf
10 dix
11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 seize
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-neuf
20 vingt
21 vingt et un
22 vingt-deux
23 vingt-trois
24 vingt-quatre
25 vingt-cinq
26 vingt-six
27 vingt-sept
28 vingt-huit
29 vingt-neuf
30 Trente
31 trente et un
32 trente-deux
33 trente-trois
34 trente-quatre
35 trente-cinq
36 trente-six
37 trente-sept
38 trente-huit
39 trente-neuf
40 quarante
50 Cinquante
60 soisante
70 soisante dix
80 quatrevingt
90 quatrevingt dix
100 cent

Mettez à la forme negative
The negative form is as follows : Ne + Verbe + Pas or Ne + Verb + Pas
Par exemple: Je n’ai pas de temps – I do not have time
Notes : In a negative sentence (Ne + Verbe + Pas + de), de is used in place of ‘un, une, des.’
Exercices, Exercices, Exercices, Exercices, Exercices, Exercices
1. Jeanne et Marie ont des lampes
2. 2. Toi et moi allons au cinéma aujourd’hui
3. Martine et son ami ont des affiches
4. J’ai des livres
5. Ils ont des photos
6. Elles ont des chaises

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New French MP3 For English Speakers Posted at FrenchLessonPodcast.Libsyn.com

The following is only a sample, a preview of the upcoming textbook, ""Free French MP3 for English Speakers: La Baguette French Lesson - Le Francais en Amerique,"

Pre-order your copy so you can learn with us at http://frenchlessonpodcast.libsyn.com



In this episode, you are going to learn the definite and indefinite articles.

L'article défini (Le, La, L', Les). Learn when to use and which one to place before masculine and feminine nouns.

Download the new episode right here from FrenchLessonPodcast.libsyn.com

L'article indéfini (Un, Une, Des): Find out which one to place in front of masculine or feminine nouns. When do we use "de" instead "des"?

In this episode, you will also learn how to count from zero to 100 in French.

This episode contains two free lessons.

If you want to pre-order the textbook, "Free French MP3 for English Speakers: La Baguette French Lesson - Le Francais en Amerique," go ahead and order your copy below.